The Secret of Wealth: Why Pi Network Should Be Valued at $314,159 According to Doris Yin

By: Doris Yin 

👉 The act of giving wealth is not limited to refraining from taking other people's property. It also involves donating one's own resources, such as food, clothing, fields, houses, possessions, etcmoney, to those in need. This act of generosity will generate a positive response and bring you immense rewards. 
👉Experts believe that the key to financial success is not taking but giving. 

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When you have a generous heart and behavior, you become one with a powerful force in the universe. Same as Small rivers flow into the sea and become part of the sea, you gain the power of this great power. By helping others, you will be able to achieve your dreams and receive the corresponding blessings. 

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The article entitled "The Secret to Making the Biggest Money in History" states that if a person is in the habit of serving the interests of others, then all the good forces in the universe will converge to help them succeed. By giving, a person expresses their trust, wealth, and love to the universe, which in turn attracts more good things towards them. Giving time begets more 5 By Nonny 

time, giving products begets more products, giving love begets more love, and giving money begets more love and wealth. Therefore, it can be said that all those who give selflessly will eventually become rich. 

Giving is the greatest reward, a good deed, and the secret to making money. It's like farming; Seeds must be planted before they can bear fruit. 

Inour community of Pi Pioneers, we must strive to learn how to achieve wealth. It is not achieved through greed, ignorance, jealousy, or hatred. If we adopt these negative traits, even if we accumulate a lot of Pi, it will eventually disappear. Moreover, it will have a negative impact on our health and fortune. However, if we approach our projects with love for all pioneers and genuine interest in the project, we will be able to channel our passion and energy into it. We will never exploit others, and as a result, we will gain significant wealth, happiness, and health. 

🙏 Practicing giving can help all Pi Network pioneers achieve wealth, happiness, and good health. 
Doris Yin 

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y)S Before we get into that, we need to understand what Pi is and why the project is called the Pi Network and not some other network. 
y)SWe all know that π≈3.14159. Of course, there is a long series of numbers behind it. How long? very long. π is an irrational number. On March 14, 2019, Googleannounced that pi has now reached 31.4 trillion decimal places. 

y)SFriend-Friends who have studied digital energy also know that 314159 these numbers are relatively good numbers in digital energy. 31 is the Heavenly Medicine Star, symbolizing wealth, love, and wisdom; 141 is the Birth Qi Star, symbolizing nobility, happiness, and a relaxed attitude; 19 is the Life Extension Star, representing responsibility, ability and professionalism. The number 5 plays a role in strengthening digital energy, and 159 strengthens ability. 

y)SAnd the number 314159 is the first few digits of Pi. Is this a coincidence? It is such a coincidence.pi, represented by the Greek letter π (pronounced pài), is a constant (roughly equal to 3.141592654) that represents the ratio of the circumference and diameter of a circle. This is an irrational number, that is, an infinitely repeating decimal. In everyday life, 3.14 is usually used to represent pi for approximate calculations. Using ten decimal places, 3.141592654 is sufficient for general calculations. In other words, 314159 is a very, very important number. 

S)yπis also equal to the ratio of the area of a circle to the square of its radius. This is a key 6 By Nonny 

value for accurately calculating geometric shapes such as the circumference of a circle, the area of a circle, and the volume of a sphere. a circle has 360 degrees, and interestingly, the 360th number pi, along with the two numbers before and after it, equals exactly 360! How amazing! So, can we say that the number π, 3.14159, is a perfect combination of numbers? 

S)yOnIn 2011, the International Mathematical Association officially announced that March 14 every year would be designated as International Mathematics Day. The source is Pi from the ancient Chinese mathematician Zu Chongzhi. zu Chongzhi had already calculated π=3.1415926 at that time, so March 14 every year was also Pi Day. 

y)S So, π in the human energy field should be represented by what number? It should be digital energy. the so-called digital energy means that there are always some numbers that will have a specific impact on us! 

y)SEveryobjects have energy fields, including humans and the Pi Network. We can apply the energy formula E=πMN, where our energy field is equal to π times mental power and action power. the number π represents digital energy, M represents mental power, and N represents action force. The most powerful energy in the universe is π 314159. By combining our pioneering education, we can unite our consensus and actions with GCV records to make it the most influential cryptocurrency. 
S)yUsing Pi Network's name, logo, Pi Day, P2Day, and open source code,it is clear that they aim to harness the energy of Pi to achieve success. 

yS) If you're wondering why the Pi isn't $314, $3141, $31415, $3141592, or 
$31415926, that's because the price of $314,159 is not only supported by the theory I discussed earlier but also by bartering 100 million USD. furthermore, when we compare the price of the Pi to Bitcoin's peak price of $67K, we believe that the Pi should be valued higher than that. However, a price exceeding 1 million USD would be too high. So, in short, all the Pis should be worth more than $67K but not more than 1 million USD. 

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