Revolutionizing Destiny: Why Pioneers Must Support Pi Network's Mission and Vision

By: Doris Yin 


Today, I want to discuss how we can change our destiny. In our Pi community, I see many pioneers who are in poverty and forced to sell their Pi due to financial hardship, such as medical bills. It's sad to hear such stories, and I hope you all can have a good life, pay for medical expenses, and help those in need. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ 
However, have you ever thought about what happens after you sell all your Pi? How will 7 By Nonny 

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you survive and pay future medical bills? Poverty is often caused by a poverty mindset. The way we think about the world makes 
big difference in our lives. If we are narrow-minded, we will remain in poverty and anxiety forever. But if we change our mindset, we can change our destiny and achieve the world. Money will come to us, good relationships will come to us, and we will always be safe with our family. 

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I realized that some of the pioneers had a negative attitude towards this project. They seem to just focus on completing KYC and selling the Pi or waiting for the OM to happen. Some even asked me to buy their Pi to show support for GCV. However, this mindset of poverty is unproductive and can cause anxiety and depression. 

We must realize that the goal of the Core Team is more than just OM. Cryptocurrencies are the next step in the evolution of money, and Pi is the first digital currency designed for everyday people, making it a major milestone in cryptocurrency adoption worldwide. The Core Team's mission is to create a cryptocurrency and smart contracts platform that is supported and secured by everyday people. Their vision is to build the world's most comprehensive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, all powered by Pi, the world's most widely used cryptocurrency. 

The message implies that for the Pi currency to be stable, it must be held by a larger population. CT believes that Pi is for ordinary people and not just pioneers. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the pioneers to work together with CT to disseminate information and ensure that CT's mission and vision are achieved. Additionally, it is important to educate pioneers on how to respect the Pi and avoid using or selling it. If many pioneers use or sell their Pi at low prices, this will hinder the occurrence of OM. Therefore, it is important to support the mission and vision of CT to ensure OM occurs. 
It's worth noting that some pioneers may not sell or use their Pis, but others do. If you don't want others to follow in your footsteps, you need to do your part by enlightening your community or social media. We must work hard on community education and spread this information throughout the world to help other pioneers rise. 

Think of it this way: if your father was very rich, he wouldn't just give his wealth to you. You need to learn how to use it wisely. If you spend a million dollars on a car or $10,000 on food, your father will not transfer his wealth to you. Instead of complaining that your father doesn't give you money, you should focus on improving yourself. 

To summarize and answer some questions from the pioneers about why OM hasn't started yet: 
1. The Pi Network mission cannot be supported by current blockchain records, and that is why it has not yet started. 

2. The pioneering community should focus on widespread education regarding the white paper and its practices. 
8 By Nonny 

3. Short-term behavior such as low prices to use a Pi or sell a Pi are barriers to mass KYC, migration, and OM adoption. 

4. The GCV community will not do things that only satisfy greedy individuals, but instead, we will wisely protect ourselves and use the things that 

small things to increase overall community consensus. That's why we won't buy the Pi at the GCV price. Our goal is the consensus of the entire community, not just one or two who benefit. 
5. We will work hard on the pioneers' consensus prices so that wholesalers can reduce risk and gain trust. 

In my next tweet, I will share a story about how to change your fate.


Our attitude towards Pi can reflect our inner world and perspective on life. Therefore, I would like to share my personal experience of how changing my attitude has changed my life. I have been practicing for more than 10 years, and during this time, I have not only changed my physical appearance but also my outlook on life and the environment. Most importantly, I have gained self-confidence, success, and happiness. I want to share a story that encourages me, and I hope you can benefit from it too.
The Four Lessons of Liao-Fan (Chinese: 了凑四訓) is a book written by Yuan Liaofan (Chinese: 蒁了凑; 1533–1606), a Chinese official during the Ming Dynasty, born in Wujiang County, present-day Jiangsu . Province. Yuan wrote the book to teach his son, Yuan Tian-Chi. The main idea behind this lesson is that destiny can be changed through the cultivation of kindness and humility. Therefore, one should not be bound by fate but by one's own actions. 

If we only focus on the negative aspects of others who distort their good intentions or take advantage of or harm others out of selfishness, it can have a negative impact on our body, mind and destiny. Therefore, we should strive to learn how to forgive, be generous, and show appreciation. When we learn to appreciate and praise the efforts of others, our hearts change and this positive transformation is reflected in our bodies and environment. 

It's important to focus on working hard towards the right goals that will benefit a great cause, like the Pi Network, without worrying too much about the outcome. Like fruit that ripens and falls by itself, we don't need to keep asking when it will happen. We must believe that the harvest will come as long as we continue to work in the right direction. 

Yuan Liaofan was told by a Taoist monk surnamed Kong that he would only live to be 53 years old and have no sons. At first, he dismisses the monk's words as ridiculous nonsense, but when Kong's other predictions begin to come true with surprising accuracy, he then proactively attempts to rewrite his fate. In telling his life experience in changing 9 By Nonny 

1. Cultivate a sense of love and respect. 
2. Help others succeed 
3. Invite others to do good 
4. Help those who really need it 
5. Develop public projects for the greatest benefit of the people. I believe Pi Network is this kind of project. 
6. Giving through donations 
7. Protecting the true teachings 

destiny, Yuan, at age 
69 years old, wrote and taught these four lessons to his son. 

The first lesson shows how to create destiny. The second lesson explains the ways of reform. The third reveals how to cultivate kindness, and the fourth reveals the benefits of the virtue of humility. 
The book, still in circulation after more than 400 years, is said to be a useful foundation for the study of Confucianism and Buddhism. 
Three conditions for reform: 
-One must have shame – conscience. 
-One must be careful and conscientious of one's own intentions and behavior at all times, and have genuine respect for the Divine and Universal Rules/Golden Rule. 
-One must have determination and courage to correct our mistakes. Three methods for carrying out reform: 
-Change through Action 
-Change through reasoning 
-Change from the heart 
Ten ways to cultivate kindness: 
Support good deeds 10 By Nonny 

8. Respect elders 
9. Love and care for all living creatures 

I've uploaded a link to the film here. If you are interested, please watch it. Once you understand this method of changing fate, you can maintain and cherish your Pi and do your best for the success of the Pi Network. Pi Network is a revolutionary platform that aims to change the world and bring peace and happiness. 
Let's take a moment to appreciate what we have now and hope and pray for peace in the world.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ 
This is a YouTube series called "Liao-Fan's Four Lessons" with English audio and Chinese subtitles. 
Pi's value is at GCV $314,159, and it looks like we're on the path to victory.✌️✌️✌️ 
Let's keep working hard! I am very happy to see the rise of the Pi Network pioneer community. This awakening will give rise to enormous energy that will bless and guide us to success! 

I would like to thank all the global pioneers who have supported and contributed to GCV. I've read some of the comments from various platforms, and although I can't reply to each one due to the large number of comments, I have written many articles on Twitter that answer most of the questions. You should be patient and attentive as the text contains important background knowledge and practical information. I can't give a simple yes or no answer. However, many pioneers have not read it. To get answers, ask yourself what you want first. 

It is important to define your goals before collaborating with CT as a pioneer. If your goal is to achieve financial freedom for yourself and your family, you need to learn and understand what Pi Network is and its mission. Collaborating with CT will help you achieve your financial goals. 

If your mindset and goals conflict with CT's goals, then you are an obstacle to OM. Because of this, you will not be able to achieve anything. CT will not compromise its mission to meet your short-term goals. 
If you are only interested in completing your KYC process but don't care about the success of the Pi project and plan to sell your Pi account or some of your Pi coins after the migration, or if you just want to get a phone with the intention of selling your entire Pi wallet, then order this kind of thing to the Pi Core Team (CT) would raise red flags. If all the pioneers want is fast KYC and migration, it is important to 11 By Nonny 

convince yourself first not to undertake such activities. Additionally, you should educate your Pi community to do the same because if other pioneers follow suit, CT will be more conservative when it comes to opening KYC or migration. Therefore, it is important to consider all pioneers as sharing one body. If we don't educate the public, they can harm us, just as disease can harm the body. So, we must take care of our community and protect the interests of the Pi project. 

If you complain about the slow KYC process, express resentment towards Pi Network, or refuse to take action for the community because you haven't completed KYC, it's important to understand that KYC is a direct result of Pi Network's technology and the collective efforts of pioneers dedicated to Pi's mission. If you wish to complete KYC, you must commit to protecting and supporting the Pi by actively participating in the community and refraining from selling the Pi or bartering it for a cheap price. 
It's important to realize that there are no shortcuts when it comes to the Pi. Even though mining is free, pioneers must take responsibility to help the Pi Network achieve its goals. 
In my next discussion, I will outline how pioneers can effectively support and advance the Pi Network. 

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