Nonny Padja NTT: Driving Education and Community Engagement as Global GCV Ambassador for Pi Network

Ms. Padja joined Pi Network at the end of October 2020

She has passion in serving community, especially for circulating Ms. Doris Yin, 38 topic articles in almost 10 languages.  She is very active in Indonesia and global community for education. She has the will help in social affairs, especially education, helping parents, orphans and building places of worship for all religions and building relationships between countries that are socially integrated after OM.

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Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Night I joined Pi Network at the end of October 2020 I'm interested in Pi Network and I am one of the supporters of the GCV value of $314,159, I am sure that the Pi Network Project in the future can change the world economy.


My mission and vision, if I am successful with Pi Network, I will be involved in social affairs, especially education, helping parents, orphans and building places of worship for all religions and building relationships between countries that are socially integrated, Thanks. It is important that education includes information for pioneers First of all, I would like to thank Mrs. Doris Yin and the Global GCV Ambassadors whose names I cannot mention one by one. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to voice this to all Indonesian pioneer communities and throughout the world I want all pioneers to understand the importance of GCV and Pi Network education. Why?

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We pioneers are pi owners and we also care about the success of the pi network for the pi network project and community The success of Pi Network really depends on the trust and support of all of us, the beloved pioneer community throughout the world, so I suggest that we need to work hard to create barter events with small products so that GCV is always recorded on the blockchain and helps pioneers who have not yet received KYC and migration invitations.


And also the dedication and hard work of all of us, the pioneer community, which will support the open mainet at Pi2DAY, and be proud of every process that we, all of the pioneer community throughout the world, do to contribute and participate in Pi Network and GCV.  There is a meaning and journey as well as lessons from all of this, even though our languages are different, but to provide education about GCV and Pi Network.


 I continue to be enthusiastic because of what I have taught to the Indonesian Pioneer community and even other countries through Mrs. Doris Yin's articles that I have learned and it all has to do with the Pi Network White book.  And the results of my education and that of my GCV Ambassador Team Leader, the Indonesian pioneer community is starting to realize and do what they have to do to participate and contribute to Pi Network through bartering events with small items, and also the Pioneer community is starting to stay away from the black market and not selling Pi coins.

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And also protect their Pi Network account. Through social media, I continue to create education about GCV through posting barter events for the pioneer community. From there, many pioneers who lack education join my team to get the right education. And I also want to thank the community of pioneers and small traders in Indonesia who are so enthusiastic about holding a barter event to welcome the open mainnet on June 28 with a GCV value, enthusiastically continue to ignite the GCV fire on the blockchain I believe we will create GCV transaction data like the PiFest event Pi Network last year with GCV barter value.

 Thank you very much to my team, the leader of GCV Ambassador Indonesia, who has joined hands to educate the pioneer community from group to group without getting tired, with enthusiasm, We are sure we can do it and win. I hope that my beloved CT can see the struggle of all pioneer communities around the world to open an open network on June 28 And for the pioneer community throughout the world, you must remember that education is important and avoid hoarding and selling your Pi coins.


Warm regards


Nonny Padja NTT

Global GCV Ambassador Indonesia

Article submission: doris Yin

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