Kiavash Kamraniyan: Supporting the Global Consensus Value of Pi Network at the Persian Speakers' Conference

By Doris Yin!

Kiavash Kamraniyan
GCV Global Ambassador and GCV Iran Ambassador

In the Name of the Compassionate and Merciful God,
Dear friends, colleagues, and Persian speakers from all over the world,

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We are gathered here today at the first Global Persian Speakers' Conference to discuss the important and vital topic of Pi Network and its economic and social value. In an era of rapid technological change, the need for international solidarity and cooperation to seize these opportunities is more pressing than ever.

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Pi Network, as an innovative network in the field of digital currencies, has unparalleled potential to transform economic structures and create new opportunities for everyone. This network, which operates on the principles of decentralization and transparency, has attracted the attention of millions of people around the world.

Today, we are here to declare our support for the GCV Global Consensus for Pi Value. This consensus plays a vital role in stabilizing and increasing the value of Pi and can serve as a driving force for economic and social development in different communities. We believe that with unity and cooperation, we can achieve this great goal and help all members of this network benefit from its advantages.

On my behalf, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the GCV Global Consensus and the GCV Core Team, especially Ms. Doris Yin, for their tireless efforts and dedication. I have witnessed their hard work firsthand during my time working with them to promote GCV consensus and education for all pioneers worldwide, to the point where they have even put their health at risk.

They and all GCV Global Ambassadors are doing their utmost to convince the Pi Core Team that now is the best time to open the Pi Network. We will spare no effort in this endeavor and are confident that we will emerge victorious and triumphant, regardless of the challenges ahead.

In Sun Tzu's revered treatise, "The Art of War," a profound insight is revealed: "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." This principle holds immense truth for all endeavors, including the pursuit of personal and societal goals.

The Path to Victory: Planning, Preparation, and Unity

Our journey began with unwavering determination, meticulously crafting a plan that would pave the path to success. We were united in our vision, bound by a shared belief in the inevitable triumph that lay ahead. This unwavering conviction served as our guiding light, propelling us forward with unwavering resolve.

The Significance of Purpose: Meaning and Direction in Life

Throughout history, humanity has embarked on a relentless quest to uncover the meaning and purpose of existence. Purpose, as a cornerstone of human existence, plays a pivotal role in shaping an individual's trajectory and destiny. Those who embrace purpose not only excel in their personal endeavors but also leave an indelible mark on their communities and the world at large.

Purpose: The Guiding Force

Purpose empowers individuals to channel their energies and focus with unwavering intensity towards their aspirations. When an individual possesses a clearly defined purpose, they gain a profound understanding of their endeavors, igniting their motivation and fueling their hopes. Purpose imbues life with meaning, dispelling the clutches of aimlessness and confusion.

The Traits of Purposeful Individuals

Purposeful individuals are distinguished by a unique set of characteristics that set them apart from the crowd. They are often meticulous in their planning, constantly seeking opportunities for personal growth and advancement. Undeterred by challenges and obstacles, they view setbacks as stepping stones on the path to learning and development.

The Ripple Effect: Purposeful Individuals and Societal Progress

The significance of purpose extends far beyond the realm of individual fulfillment. A society enriched by purposeful individuals is destined to flourish and thrive. Through their relentless efforts, they can spark innovation and positive change, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for all.


Purpose serves as an indomitable force, propelling individuals and societies towards remarkable achievements. By embracing purpose, we unlock the potential to shape a brighter future, one where victory is not merely sought but is an inevitable outcome.

Navigating the Path of Challenges with Purpose and Hope

As we embark on this arduous journey, filled with trials and tribulations, do we retain our unwavering hope? Did we enter this project with a clear purpose in mind? Do we have a firm grasp of the path ahead and our ultimate destination? Is our goal illuminated with unwavering clarity?

These are questions that only you can answer.

The Awakening Giant: Pi Network as a Catalyst for Global Transformation

In a metaphorical sense, perhaps I can envision Pi as a colossal dragon, slumbering for years, yet gradually stirring with renewed vitality. When this mighty dragon awakens, it possesses the power to reshape the very foundations of our world, igniting the global economy with its fiery breath. In its wake, we can envision a world free from poverty, child labor, and the ravages of war, where the lives of innocent people are no longer sacrificed.

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A World in Need of Transformation

Our world today stands in dire need of a profound transformation, a symphony of global unity and solidarity. Pi has emerged to fill this void, to forge a new and valuable world for all of us.

A Call for Action: Unleashing Pi's Potential
We hold the fervent hope that this vision will materialize.

In conclusion, we urge the esteemed Pi Network leadership, Dr. Nicholas Kokkalis, Dr. Fan Chengdi, and the core Pi team, to reopen the network on June 28, 2024, utilizing the Global Consensus Value (GCV) mechanism. This action would empower all members to fully harness its capabilities and opportunities. Such a step would represent a monumental stride towards realizing the network's ambitious goals and fostering a positive transformation in the lives of millions.

The Iranian Community's Enduring Commitment

The people of Iran, despite enduring years of sanctions and the suspension of KYC procedures, have remained steadfast in our dedication to Pi Network, making significant contributions to its global growth. We implore the core team to recognize our unwavering commitment and extend your support by activating all KYC phases and enabling all Pi features. This is our minimum expectation, a fundamental right that every individual deserves, the right to live as free and empowered beings, with access to all facets of life, particularly financial opportunities and the basic necessities of existence.

Gratitude and a Shared Vision for a Brighter Future

We extend our deepest gratitude to all for your presence and unwavering support. With unwavering collaboration and solidarity, we firmly believe that we can forge a brighter and more sustainable future.

To continued success and enduring growth for all of us.

With utmost respect,

Kiavash Kamraniyan

Global GCV Ambassador and Proud Ambassador of GCV Iran

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