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Kiavash Kamaranian: Igniting Unity Spirit and GCV Value of Pi Network in Iran

Kiavash Kamaranian

GCV Ambassador for Iran


Mr. Kiavash hold Master of Business Administration (MBA) in E-commerce. He is an entrepreneur and Paraglider Pilot, E-commerce & Cryptocurrency Instructor. He is an Iranian community leader and created Pi Network International Telegram Group.

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Greetings and warm welcome to all my friends and Pi Network pioneers.


It is an honor to represent the great and vast nation of Iran at the Global GCV Support Conference. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Doris Yin, the esteemed leader of the global GCV community, for this opportunity.


Dear friends, the Pi Network project is not just about using a new cryptocurrency for me and many Iranian pioneers; it is a new way of life, a fresh concept, and a new perspective on life.

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This project has created a new path for all people on Earth to participate in the economy, engage in modern social activities, and achieve equitable wealth distribution. Fortunately, we have recently witnessed an unprecedented global welcome and the remarkable growth and development of Pi Network.


Please do not misinterpret my words as mere marketing or slogans. I urge you to pay close attention to what I have to say.


The Pi Network project has demonstrated more than any other that a purposeful community and human unity can wield immense power. If you look closely at the Pi Network logo, you will notice that it is not only aesthetically pleasing but also cleverly chosen and designed by the core team.

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Dear friends, the key to development, progress, happiness, and everything that humanity strives for lies in unity, empathy, and oneness. History teaches us that whenever and wherever humans unite, victory, success, progress, and development is readily achievable.


In the Pi Network logo, we see two individuals joining hands, beautifully forming the pi symbol. We observe that one hand of each person is resting on the other's shoulder, which I believe beautifully conveys the concept of friendship and unity based on love and affection. If you also look at the free hands of these two individuals, one hand is raised, which could represent power and achievement.

Earning coins, building and expanding the network, and creating platforms for network and community growth all stem from this powerful arm. And now, the left arm of the logo, which brings the beauty of this logo to its peak. This hand and arm are pointing down, which reminds and brings to mind, in my opinion, helping our fellow human beings, the underprivileged, and the poor.


I have always believed that poverty and misery, even in a small part of human society, are the clearest signs of the lack of real growth and development in that society. I believe that the decentralized Pi Network will provide a highway for benevolent individuals with global thinking to eradicate the roots of financial poverty, educational poverty, and cultural poverty around the world.


It depends on our future actions. The road and high-speed car are ready.

The hands of these two individuals, and those of many others, and millions of hands have ultimately created a vast community of Pi Network activists and developers. We are gathered here today to support the Global Consensus GCV price.


Now, with this background and the explanations I have provided, if each of you wanted to value Pi based on a united and empathetic human community that has joined hands for a common goal to build a better world free from poverty and the worthless political restrictions of some governments, how much would that value be?


In my opinion, no amount of money in the world could pay the true value of such a community. I believe that thousands of years of human experience have convinced the people of this community that this is the best way of life and the only solution to all human problems.


Dear friends, it is time to value the years of relentless efforts of a highly capable central team with humanitarian intentions, as well as the unity, empathy, and participation of over 55 million loyal and united Pi Network humans.


Therefore, we, the pioneers of the great nation of Iran, recognize GCV as the minimum possible value for each Pi coin and will not join the consensus for any value even one dollar lower than GCV. At this point, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Doris Yin, the leader of the global GCV community, for her relentless and tireless efforts to raise awareness of the value of Pi Network.


In conclusion, the pioneers of the world, and especially all the pioneers of Iran, while expressing our deepest gratitude to Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis and the core team, hope that the suspension restrictions of the pioneers of Iran and other suspended countries in Pi Network will be lifted as soon as possible, as promised, so that we can soon witness a more effective presence of the large and active community of pioneers of the great and vast nation of Iran and the whole world in the growth and development of Pi Network.


We, the pioneers of Iran, have demonstrated our unwavering loyalty to Pi Network and the goals set forth by the Core Team. For years, we have diligently pursued these objectives, fueled by unwavering hope. Now, the time has come for this hope to materialize. In line with the network's decentralized nature, we urge the Core Team to take decisive steps to facilitate KYC procedures, fulfilling the aspirations of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of individuals in Iran and other suspended countries.


We eagerly await the day when this becomes a reality.


With unwavering determination and unwavering unity, we shall:


Propel Pi Network to unprecedented heights of growth and development.

Solidify the GCV price and ensure its stability. Unwaveringly uphold our faith in the power of unity and empathy.


Thank you.


Kiavash Kamaranian

GCV Ambassador for Iran

Global GCV Ambassador

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