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Changes in Pi Network Migration Process Raise Question Marks

By: Elena - In recent times, an intriguing change has been observed in the Pi Network migration process, sparking a flurry of questions within its community. The Pi Core Team has decided to shift the 'SIGN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO RECEIVE PI TOKENS' step from position 8 to position 6 on the migration checklist. This decision has prompted much speculation and debate among Pi Network pioneers.

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At first glance, this move appears puzzling to many, as the 'SIGN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO RECEIVE PI TOKENS' step is typically completed before the Know Your Customer (KYC) process. This raises questions about the rationale behind this change and whether it will affect the migration process as a whole.

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However, delving deeper, this change also sheds light on how many pioneers have not progressed with their migration process as per the checklist provided by the Pi Core Team. This suggests that despite many individuals having passed the KYC process, their migration applications are not proceeding as anticipated. There is a possibility that a significant number of pioneers may be unaware that they have already cleared KYC and are still awaiting further steps.

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Moreover, there are other reasons why many pioneers are delaying their migration process. One major reason is the uncertainty surrounding the schedule for the second migration round. Many pioneers are hesitant to proceed with the migration process as they want to ensure they receive as many Pi coins as possible in the first migration. This observation is evident from direct observations within the community, where many pioneers actively postpone their migration to maximize their benefits.

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Furthermore, pioneers who are node operators, yielding relatively high daily Pi mining rewards, tend to postpone their process. They have an incentive to delay migration as the bonuses they receive will be included in the first migration, and they want to ensure they do not miss out on the opportunity to acquire as many Pi coins as possible.

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Nevertheless, it is important to remember that migration is a crucial step towards the long-term growth and development of the Pi Network. The Pi Core Team has sent a clear signal that migration should commence promptly, and delaying the process may cause pioneers to miss out on the full benefits of this project.


In this regard, clear education and communication from the Pi Core Team to its community are paramount. Providing a better understanding of the migration process and communicating the benefits of initiating migration early can help alleviate unnecessary delays and encourage more pioneers to proceed with their migration process.


The changes in the Pi Network migration process and the challenges associated with it reflect the complexity and dynamics involved in the development of ambitious cryptocurrency projects. While the Pi Network community continues to grapple with these hurdles, a collaborative approach and open communication between the Pi Core Team and its community will be key to achieving long-term success.

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