Exploring the Third-Generation Smart Contract: Preparing Pi Blockchain for an Open Future - hokanews
Exploring the Third-Generation Smart Contract: Preparing Pi Blockchain for an Open Future - hokanews
hokanews.com - As the blockchain era continues to advance, the development team behind Blockchain Pi is nearing completion of their third-generation smart contract. The complexity of this smart contract signifies a significant technological evolution in building a more sophisticated and efficient blockchain infrastructure.
Previously, analyses of this development indicated that the Pi Core Team had made a series of revisions to refine the system. The introduction of this smart contract was proudly announced, marking a crucial milestone for the Pi blockchain ecosystem.
One pivotal aspect of this development is the plan to eliminate the previously existing firewall. This step is taken to broaden the scope and provide more open access for users, as well as introduce an open Mainnet for Pi users.
Announcements regarding the enhancement of the smart contract, removal of the firewall, and the Open Mainnet launch are all slated to be completed within the year 2024. This is an eagerly anticipated moment, signifying the Pi Blockchain team's commitment to creating a transparent, inclusive, and decentralized blockchain ecosystem.
With this final stage of development, the Pi Blockchain community is expected to reap the benefits of using a third-generation blockchain that is safer, more efficient, and adaptable to both present and future needs.
🔊 HOT 🔥:
— Pi Network VietNames (@PiNetworkVNes) January 4, 2024
The Blockchain Pi smart contract is nearly complete, and you can see the complexity of the 3rd generation smart contract. This is why I previously analyzed that the Pi Coreteam was making revisions to streamline it. The announcement of the smart contract, removal of… pic.twitter.com/JpjWrcsASM
Nevertheless, it's essential to remember that technological progress always requires engagement and participation from the user community. As we approach this open future, collaboration between developers and users will be the key to the success of the entire Pi Blockchain ecosystem.
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