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JUST IN: Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis: Price of 1 Pi = $314,159 Still Too Low - hokanews

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JUST IN: Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis: Price of 1 Pi = $314,159 Still Too Low - hokanews

hokanews.com - Pi Network, an increasingly well-known name in the world of digital currencies, has become the subject of increasingly heated discussions. Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis, co-founder of Pi Network, emphatically stated, "The price of 1 Pi = $314,159 is still too low." This statement is not just an ordinary statement, but implies the big vision behind this digital currency. In this article, we will explore the meaning and implications of Dr. This Kokkalis.

Digital Currency: A Revolution in Payments

Digital currencies have become one of the most important innovations in the world of modern finance. It's a concept that is changing the way we view payments, finance, and the exchange of value. In the context of Pi Network, digital currency is not just a means of payment, but rather a revolution in the way we interact with the global economy. Here is a more detailed explanation of this concept:

Replacement of Conventional Currency

One of the main elements of digital currency is the replacement of conventional currencies such as dollars, euros or yen. Digital currencies allow individuals to make payments and exchange value quickly, efficiently, and often at lower costs than conventional currency systems. This is a big step towards updates in the global payment system.

Inclusive Access

Digital currencies, especially in the context of the Pi Network, have a strong purpose of inclusion. This means that anyone, regardless of background or geographical location, can access and own this digital currency. This is a financial inclusion concept that aims to empower individuals who may not have previously had access to financial services.

Security and Transparency

Security and transparency are key elements in digital currencies. Blockchain technology, on which many digital currencies are based, provides a high level of security. Every transaction is recorded in a blockchain that can be verified by everyone. This creates a high level of transparency, reduces the risk of fraud, and increases trust in digital payments.


Decentralization is an important characteristic of digital currencies. This means that the currency is not controlled by a single entity, such as a central bank. In the context of Pi Network, decentralization is the main goal. This creates a fairer system, where decisions and control are not centralized, but rather belong to the larger community.

Ecosystem Growth

Digital currencies also enable the growth of a broader ecosystem. It includes integration with various services and applications that allow users to use digital currency in various aspects of daily life. This creates opportunities for businesses and individuals to participate in the growing digital economy.

High Value Potential

Digital currencies have high potential value. Growth in the ecosystem and increased demand may lead to an increase in the value of digital currencies. In the context of Pi Network, Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis about the price of 1 Pi being too low reflects the big vision for this digital currency.

With all these elements, digital currencies are a revolution in payments. This is not just a means of payment, but rather a major shift in the way we understand and participate in the global economy. Pi Network is one of the leaders in carrying out this revolution with a strong vision of inclusion and financial justice.

In facing a future of global payments increasingly dominated by digital currencies, understanding this concept becomes increasingly important. Digital currencies like those promoted by Pi Network are important milestones in the global payments revolution that will shape the future of the world economy.

Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis: The Message Behind the Numbers

Dr. Statement Nicolas Kokkalis, co-founder of Pi Network, that "The price of 1 Pi = $314,159 is still too low" is more than just a number. This is a message that encapsulates the strong vision and purpose behind the development of Pi Network. Let's explore this message in more detail:

Numbers as Calls

This statement contains a call element. Dr. Kokkalis, along with the entire Pi Network community, invites everyone to look beyond the numbers themselves. The 1 Pi's price still below the $314,159 mark is a call for more people to join in this big change. This suggests that the Pi Network is a revolution in progress, and the more people who join, the greater its potential.

Big Vision

This statement reflects the great vision of the founder of Pi Network. The current low price of 1 Pi is the first step in a larger journey towards an inclusive and fair digital currency ecosystem. This vision involves bringing justice and finance to the entire world, regardless of social or geographic status.

Ecosystem Interests

The still low price of 1 Pi is also a reflection of the importance of the growth of the Pi Network ecosystem. The more users, partners and services involved in the ecosystem, the greater the value of Pi. This is the concept underlying digital currencies, where the value of an asset is determined by the continued growth of the ecosystem.

Warning of Potential

This statement can also be seen as a warning about the potential future value of Pi. When a digital currency achieves its goals, the potential increase in value can be very significant. The current price is just one stage on the journey to higher values.

Trust in Change

Dr. Statement These kokkalis reflect a strong belief in the changes that are taking place. Pi Network is one of the main players in the paradigm shift in the world of digital currencies, and the still low price of 1 Pi is a call for more people to join this revolution.

Vision of Equality and Justice

Lastly, this message reflects Pi Network's vision to create an equal and fair currency. It is a currency that belongs to everyone, and the numbers are a manifestation of the vision to unite the whole world in inclusive digital payments.

On this trip, Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis reminds us that numbers are only the beginning, and future potential is what is worth fighting for. Pi Network's current price is a call for more people to join the global payments revolution that will shape the future of world finance.

Why is the Price of 1 Pi = $314,159 Still Too Low?

     Early Stages of Development: One of the main reasons the price of 1 Pi is still considered too low is that the Pi Network is still in its early stages of development. The price of digital currencies like Pi tends to fluctuate in the early stages before reaching a more stable balance. At this stage, prices still reflect the experimental phase and presence of digital currencies in the broader market.

   Pi Scarcity: Pi Network has been designed with a scarcity concept similar to gold. Only a limited amount of Pi can be mined, and this creates a potential element of scarcity in the currency. The more people who join and use Pi, the higher its rarity and potential value.

     User Growth: The current low price of 1 Pi reflects its rapid user growth stage. The more people who join the Pi Network community, the greater the potential value of Pi. User growth is key in increasing the acceptance and usability of Pi as a digital currency.

     Acceptance and Partnerships: Pi Network continues to seek partnerships and integrations with various services and businesses. The more businesses and services that accept Pi as a means of payment, the greater the value of the Pi ecosystem. This creates a push for higher Pi prices.

image source twitter/X

     Potential Ecosystem Value: The price of Pi reflects not only the value of the currency itself, but also the value of the ecosystem built around it. Pi Network intends to create a broad ecosystem involving goods, services, technology and services. The larger and more diverse this ecosystem, the greater the value of Pi.

     Vision for Financial Inclusion: Pi Network has a strong vision for global financial inclusion. The still low price of 1 Pi is a call for more people to join this financial inclusion revolution. Pi Network wants to create a currency that can be accessed and owned by everyone, regardless of background or economic status.

     Future Impact: As Pi Network achieves its goal of creating an inclusive and valuable digital currency, Pi's potential value could exceed current expectations. In this case, the current low price of 1 Pi is a warning about the potential value that can be gained by participating in this change.

In the context of all these factors, the price of 1 Pi = $314,159 is still considered too low because it is the beginning of a bigger journey. Pi Network is a digital currency that has a big vision to change the global payments paradigm, and today's prices are just the beginning of what is hoped to be an inclusive, valuable, and widely accepted digital currency ecosystem.

Pi Network: The Future of Global Payments

Pi Network is an ambitious project that has a vision to change the way we view global payments. This is more than just a digital currency; it is the embodiment of an inclusive, secure and fair global payments future. Let's explore this concept in more detail:

Global Financial Inclusion

One of the key elements of Pi Network is global financial inclusion. Pi Network wants to empower everyone, regardless of their background or geographic location, with access to secure and accessible financial services. This is an important step towards removing barriers in access to the global financial system.

Access for All

Pi Network is designed to be accessible to anyone. The application is easy to use and does not require in-depth technical knowledge. In other words, it is a digital currency that can be owned by everyone, including those who have never been involved in digital currencies before.

Security and Transparency

Security and transparency are key elements in Pi Network. The blockchain technology used for Pi Network ensures that transactions are secure and verified. All transactions are recorded on the blockchain visible to everyone. This creates a high level of trust in the Pi Network ecosystem.

Community Empowerment

Pi Network is a community-powered project. Decision-making and centralized control are fundamental principles in the Pi Network. The community has a voice in development and decision-making, making Pi Network more inclusive and democratic.

Ecosystem Growth

Pi Network is not just a digital currency, but rather a growing ecosystem. It includes integration with various services and applications that allow users to use the Pi in various aspects of daily life. The more businesses and services that accept Pi as a means of payment, the greater the value of the Pi ecosystem.

High Potential Value

With continued ecosystem growth, digital currencies like Pi Network have high value potential. When the Pi Network achieves its goal of becoming a recognized and accepted global currency, the potential increase in the value of Pi could be very significant. This makes Pi Network attractive to those who want to participate in the ecosystem.

Revolution in Global Payments


1. Pi is revolution:

"Pi is a revolution"

2. Let the Pioneers achieve great achievements:

"Let the pioneers achieve great achievements"

3. Every Pi coin scare:

"Every Pi coin is scarce"

4. Every Pi coin is very valuable. As long as you remember these four words:

"Every Pi is very valuable." Just remember these 4 things!

Pi Network's revolution needs a landslide victory to unify the world, so the value of GCV 314,159$/Pi is still low.

It is not a small victory that was done through loudspeakers and brought to the floor at about 36$/π at this time.

Or the battle comparing Pi-BTC-ETH to get the value of 35,000$/π like Bitcoin currently. Pi is a revolution to unify global finance (the world's common currency).

Once Pi has been globally unified, the current value of BTCx10 may not be on par with the value of Pi.

So GCV 314159$/Pi to satisfy the whole world is still very small. Pi is a measure of value. The larger the value of this global asset, the more proportional Pi is. (Because the source of Pi's value is goods, services, gold, technology, giant platforms such as X, amazon, google ... and people around the world).

#PiNetwork #PiCoin

At its core, Pi Network is a revolution in the way we understand global payments. This is a major shift in the way we interact with money and value, with a vision of creating an inclusive and fair global payments future.

Pi Network is one of the major players in the paradigm shift in the world of digital currencies. This is an important step in the direction towards a fairer and more efficient global payments system.

In facing a global payments future increasingly dominated by digital currencies, understanding this concept becomes increasingly important. Pi Network is one of the important milestones in the global payments revolution that will shape the future of the world economy.

So what are you waiting for? Come join the Ice Network now by using the referral code "jhonbarland" and be a part of this exciting journey!

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Referral code "jhonbarland" 

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Referral code "stava12" 

Register now before you regret the list link https://ice.io/@cool.dexter

Referral code "cool.dexter" 

Source: PiNetworkVNes
