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Breaking! CBDC is up and running on the Pi Network Blockchain, Pi Network Blockchain Advantages in Transparency, Security and Interoperability - hokanews


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Breaking! CBDC is up and running on the Pi Network Blockchain, Pi Network Blockchain Advantages in Transparency, Security and Interoperability - hokanews

hokanews.com - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a form of digital currency issued and regulated by a country's central bank. While blockchain technology has revolutionized the financial sector with the emergence of cryptocurrencies and other innovations, implementing CBDCs on blockchain networks is an attractive option that offers various advantages to a country's financial system.

In traditional payment systems, financial transactions often involve various intermediaries such as banks, financial institutions and third party payment service providers. Each of these intermediaries charges a fee for their service, which is ultimately borne by the user and the institutions involved in the transaction.

By using blockchain technology on the Pi Network, CBDC transactions can be carried out directly between the parties involved without the need to go through multiple intermediaries. Each transaction is recorded in blocks and verified by a peer-to-peer network, reducing third-party involvement and costs associated with it. Users and central banks can make transactions at lower fees due to the elimination of this intermediary.

Traditional payment systems often require complex and expensive administrative processes. For example, interbank fund transfers that involve currency conversion and communication between financial institutions can be time consuming and costly.

In the Pi Network blockchain, all CBDC transactions are recorded and verified automatically in the form of blocks. This information is encrypted and distributed across the network, eliminating the need for complicated manual administration processes. Users can process transactions more quickly and efficiently, reducing administrative costs associated with implementing a CBDC.

Operation of traditional payment systems requires physical infrastructure such as bank offices, ATMs and data centers. Maintaining this infrastructure requires considerable costs, including maintenance, energy and labor costs.

In a blockchain network, transactions are carried out digitally and distributed throughout the network, not requiring complex physical infrastructure. Users can access the network through electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, which allows for significant infrastructure cost savings.

Traditional financial transactions often involve certain risks such as fraud, transaction failures and system defects. Addressing this problem requires additional costs in the form of insurance coverage and other security measures.

Within the Pi blockchain network, CBDC transactions are secured with strong encryption technology and verified by multiple participants on the network. Every transaction is recorded permanently and irreversibly, reducing the risk of fraud and transaction failure. Thus, the use of blockchain in CBDC implementations can help reduce the costs associated with mitigating transaction risk.

Open and Public Data Structures

The blockchain network on the Pi Network functions as a distributed ledger, which means all transactions that occur are permanently recorded in the form of blocks connected to one another. This ledger is open to the public, so that everyone can access it and verify existing transactions. Every transaction is timestamped and signed by the parties involved, creating a trail that anyone can access and verify.

With this open and public data structure, high transparency is created because all transactions are transparent and can be monitored by interested parties, including the general public, regulators and government agencies. There is no hidden or confidential information behind transactions, thereby minimizing the potential for fraud or manipulation.

Immutability and Consensus

The blockchain on the Pi Network uses a consensus mechanism that ensures every transaction entered into a block has been validated and approved by the majority of network participants. This means that every entry in the blockchain is the result of mutual consent, which eliminates the risk of incorrect or invalid data.

In addition, the blockchain is also immutable. Once a transaction is recorded in a block, that information becomes permanent and cannot be changed without destroying all subsequent sets of blocks. This creates a high level of transparency because there is no opportunity for irresponsible parties to hack or manipulate transaction data that has occurred.

Distributed Authority

The blockchain system on the Pi Network operates in a distributed manner, meaning that no single entity controls the entire network. Instead, transaction data is stored and verified by multiple participants (nodes) throughout the network. Each node has a complete copy of the entire blockchain, and each new transaction must be confirmed and approved by a majority of nodes before being added to the block.

The existence of this distributed authority contributes to high transparency as no single entity has full control over the data. Conversely, all network participants have equal access and ability to verify and ensure the integrity of transaction data. This creates a fair and open system for all participating parties.

Although the Pi Network's blockchain is transparent in terms of recording transactions, user identities are maintained in a pseudonymous form. That is, transactions are not directly linked to the user's real identity, but instead use an address or public key as a representation of identity. This provides a level of privacy for users, so that not all of their personal details are revealed in public transactions.

Cryptography and Encryption

The blockchain network on the Pi Network uses advanced cryptographic technology to protect data and transactions. Every transaction that takes place on the network is strongly encrypted, so that sensitive information such as the amount of money transferred and user identity is protected from unauthorized access. These data can only be accessed and read by parties who have the appropriate decryption key.

This encryption process ensures that every CBDC transaction is carried out securely and cannot be accessed by unauthorized parties. Users and central banks can have confidence that their data is well protected within the Pi Network blockchain environment.

Transaction Consensus and Validation

Safety and security in the blockchain are also guaranteed through a consensus mechanism that is used to verify and validate each transaction. New transactions must be confirmed and approved by the majority of participants (nodes) in the network before being added to the block. Every node on the network has a complete copy of the entire blockchain, so each transaction can be independently verified by multiple parties.

With a consensus reached, only legal and valid transactions will be entered into the blockchain. This avoids the possibility of duplicate transactions or fraudulent transactions that could undermine the integrity of the financial system. In a CBDC system, this consensus mechanism is the main layer of defense to protect data security and integrity.


Immutability is a unique characteristic of blockchains in that any transaction that has been entered into a block cannot be changed or deleted without destroying the entire set of subsequent blocks. This means that every transaction recorded on the blockchain is permanent and cannot be manipulated.

This immutable nature makes the blockchain an authentic and reliable proof of all the transactions that have taken place. This helps prevent acts of fraud or data engineering, as any changes or tampering with data will be obvious and detectable.

Decentralization and Network Security

The Pi Network blockchain network operates in a decentralized manner, meaning that no single entity controls the entire network. This reduces the risk of a single point of failure that could lead to an interruption or security breach. In a decentralized network, data and information are not stored centrally, but are distributed across the network, making them more resistant to attacks and tampering.

With no single entity controlling the network, the potential for corruption or abuse of power is also reduced. High network security is a priority in running CBDC on the Pi Network blockchain.

Regarding CBDC being active and running on the Pi Network Blockchain, the Advantages of the Pi Network Blockchain in Transparency, Security, and Interoperability, this was posted on the Twitter account @Dinhhoa_99 until this article was written by the hokanews team. Posts loaded by the Twitter account @Dinhhoa_99 are as follows:

Why is CBDC up and running on Blockchain Pinetwork?  

CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is a digital currency issued and regulated by the central bank of a country.  Running a CBDC on the Pi Network blockchain, a popular cryptocurrency and social network, can offer a number of benefits as follows:

 1. Cost savings: Using the Pi Network blockchain can reduce the costs associated with traditional payment systems.  Blockchain technology can eliminate the majority of intermediaries and minimize the fees involved due to the elimination of intermediaries.

 2. High transparency: Blockchain Pi Network is highly transparent, allowing all transactions to be recorded publicly and immutably.  This helps prevent fraud and ensures CBDC transaction accuracy.

 3. Safety and Security: Pi Network uses strong encryption technology to ensure the safety and security of CBDC transactions.  Each transaction will be authenticated and recorded on the blockchain, cannot be altered or fraudulent.

 4. Interoperability: If a country's CBDC runs on the Pi Network blockchain, interpretability can be created between different CBDCs of different countries.  This can help increase linkages and interactions between economies and promote international cooperation.

 5. Decentralization and scalability: Blockchain Pi Network can support scalability and open the door for many users to join the network in a distributed manner.  This can increase the availability and scale of the CBDC network.


 #PiNetwork $Pi #PiPayment

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Cryptography and Encryption

Safety and security on the Pi Network blockchain is ensured through the use of strong cryptographic technology. Cryptography is a science that deals with information encoding techniques so that only those who have the correct decryption key can read encrypted data. Every transaction made on the Pi blockchain network is encrypted using sophisticated cryptographic algorithms.

For example, every transaction signed by a user uses a private key to perform encryption. The transaction can then be verified by another party using the appropriate public key. This encryption process ensures that information in transactions, such as the amount of money transferred or identity details, is protected from unauthorized access.

Consensus Mechanism

Safety in the blockchain is also ensured through the consensus mechanisms used to verify and add transactions to the blockchain. In the Pi Network, the consensus mechanism used is Proof-of-Work (PoW) which requires miners to complete complex cryptographic tasks before they can validate and add new transaction blocks to the blockchain.

This PoW consensus mechanism has the benefit of security because in order to manipulate or falsify transactions already recorded on the blockchain, an attacker would have to control the majority of the computing power of the entire network. This is called a 51% attack and is very difficult to implement because it requires very large and expensive computational resources. Thus, the PoW consensus mechanism helps protect the integrity of transaction data and prevent security risks.


One of the main features of blockchain is its immutable nature. After a transaction has been verified and included in a block, the block is related to the previous block through timestamps and cryptographic functions. If there is an attempt to change a single transaction, then the entire set of blocks containing that transaction must be changed. It is very difficult and requires large resources.

This immutable nature provides an added level of security as it ensures that the data that has been recorded in the blockchain remains intact and cannot be manipulated without being detected. In the context of CBDC, this means that transactions that have been recorded on the blockchain can be relied upon as legal and valid transaction records.

Decentralized Network Security

The Pi Network blockchain network operates in a decentralized manner, meaning that no single entity controls the entire network. This is different from a centralized system where data is stored in a central server which is vulnerable to attacks and security breaches. In a decentralized network, data is stored and verified by multiple participants (nodes) throughout the network.

This decentralized network security helps prevent single point of failure risks and provides an additional layer of protecting data and transactions from attack. If one node or group of nodes has a problem, the network can still function because there are many other nodes keeping copies of data and validating transactions.

Definition of Interoperability

Interoperability refers to the ability of different systems or platforms to communicate, interact and operate together effectively without any barriers or constraints. In the context of CBDCs, interoperability refers to the ability of a country's digital currency to seamlessly interact and operate with CBDCs of other countries, as well as financial platforms and other infrastructure.

Interoperability Between CBDCs

If a country's CBDC runs on the Pi Network blockchain, then the potential for interoperability between CBDCs from different countries becomes possible. This means that a CBDC from country A can communicate and interact with a CBDC from country B without any significant hindrance.

With this interoperability, cross-border transactions can become easier and more efficient. For example, a person in country A could transfer their country A CBDC to country B CBDC to make a payment to a recipient in country B. Without interoperability, this process may require currency conversion and multiple intermediaries, which can increase costs and time.

Integration with Other Financial Infrastructure

In addition to interoperability between CBDCs, use of the Pi Network blockchain also enables easier integration with other financial infrastructure, including traditional payment systems and other financial services.

With this integration, CBDC can be more easily accepted as a payment method on various platforms and online stores. Users can use their CBDC to make purchases directly at CBDC-enabled stores, or even make transfers to other traditional bank accounts. This opens up more opportunities for CBDC adoption by the wider community and increases user convenience in using the digital currency.

Increasing International Cooperation

Interoperability between CBDCs of various countries can enhance international cooperation in the financial and economic sectors. With the ability to interact directly with other countries' digital currencies, international trade can become more efficient and transparent. This can facilitate faster and cheaper cross-border payments and transaction settlements, as well as strengthen economic ties between the countries involved.

Common Standards and Protocols

In order to achieve interoperability between CBDCs, it is important for participating countries to reach agreement on common standards and protocols. This includes agreements on how to unify transactions, information exchange, and verification between countries. With the adoption of a uniform standard, CBDC integration will run more smoothly and reduce the risk of incompatibility and technical difficulties.


Decentralization is a key principle in blockchain technology, including in the Pi Network. This means that the system or network is not controlled by a single entity, such as a financial institution or central bank, but rather is distributed across the network by many participants known as "nodes".

In decentralization, each node has a complete copy of the entire blockchain. When a new transaction occurs, each node works together to verify the transaction, and a majority of nodes must agree to add it to the blockchain. This approach eliminates the need for trust in a third party or central authority, thereby providing additional security and trust to the system.

In CBDC implementation, decentralization can help protect user data and transactions, because no single entity controls the entire system, which can reduce the risk of data leakage or misuse.


Scalability refers to the ability of a network to cope with an increasing number of transactions and users without sacrificing performance and efficiency. As CBDC adoption becomes wider and the number of transactions increases, it will be important to ensure that the network can properly cope with the increasing workload.

Within the Pi Network, the blockchain technology is designed to be scalable with an architecture that can be expanded horizontally. This means that the network can easily add more nodes to handle increased transactions and data processing. In a decentralized network, each node contributes to the processing power and security of the network, so the more nodes that participate, the more robust and scalable the network is.

Good scalability is important in implementing CBDC, because if the network is not able to handle the increasing number of transactions, it can cause long transaction times, high transaction fees, or even congestion or disruption in the system.

Implementing CBDC on the Pi Network blockchain can bring huge benefits in terms of efficiency, security and trust to central banks, CBDC users and the economy as a whole. With blockchain technology based on decentralization and scalability, the future of digital finance can be more open, inclusive and efficient.

Don't give up, believe me the future of the pi network is very bright, success won't be built in one night, warm greetings from us, the hokanews team, to all the pioneers around the world.

