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BREAKING NEWS : Pi Fortune Market, is preparing for the official date, for the global barter that will sweep the world - hokanews

BREAKING NEWS : Pi Fortune Market, is preparing for the official date, for the global barter that will sweep the world - hokanew
hokanews.com - Pi Network is a cryptocurrency project founded in 2019 by a team of developers consisting of several graduates from Stanford University.  This project aims to accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology among a wider range of users by presenting an easier and more user-friendly cryptocurrency platform.

One of the unique aspects of the Pi Network is the consensus algorithm used for validating transactions and mining coins, called "Proof of Stake" (PoS) which is lightweight and environmentally friendly.  This is different from the "Proof of Work" (PoW) used by Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies, which require special hardware and consume large amounts of energy.

Within the Pi Network, users can mine Pi via a mobile app available on Google Play and the App Store.  Currently it is estimated that the pioneers who are active on the pi network have already reached 45 million users. Likewise, if you look at Google Play, the download of the pi network has already reached more than 50 million downloads.

Pi Network also has a focus on user data privacy and security.  User data is encrypted and stored on the user's device, not on the Pi Network's servers, so only the user has control over their own data.  In addition, the Pi Network also implements "smart contracts" technology to enable safe and transparent decentralized transactions.

Currently the pi network itself is in the Closed Mainnet stage, on this Closed mainnet pioneers can already use their pi coins by exchanging them for goods and services.  Either online or offline.

There are not a few marketplaces that run online. Likewise, the pioneers who built the pi network ecosystem offline don't want to be outdone by the pi network marketplace developers.  perfect then it is possible that the pi network will open the mainnet as soon as possible.

There are not a few marketplaces built by Pioneers, such as Pi Chain Mall, PibarTermall, 314159uMall. And here's Pi Fortune Market, which created an uproar for all pioneers. 

How could it not be, according to hokanews.com monitoring from the official Twitter account of Pi Fortune Market itself, they are preparing a date for global bartering.

This was also revealed by the Pi Fortune Market Twitter account as follows:

We are preparing towards the official date. Check the video and you will see on going work.
Asia, Europe, America and Africa are you ready for the global barter that will hit the world through Pifortunemarket ? @PiCoreTeam @PiNewsMedia @jamila_go @PiRevolutionX @CryptoPi0neers
hokanews.com does not publish articles without sources, for more details see the image below:

Twitter image source 

According to the post shared by the official Pi Fortune Market account, they will do global bartering which will cover: Asia, Europe, America and Africa, are you all ready?

According to the contents of the bio on the Pi Fortune Market Twitter account, they are also building a global market which is used by all pioneers around the world.

Barter Your Pi With Goods And Services Earn Tokens Built On Pi Blockchain.  Enjoy Global Delivery And Connect With Pioneers Worldwide.
For more details, see the image below: 

Twitter image source 

The date referred to by the Pi Fortune Market Twitter account is yet to be seen what date they will fix it.  So for pioneers who want to barter through Pi Fortune Market, you can monitor the Pi Fortune Market Twitter media account or wait for the information that HokaNews will update for all of you pioneers.

Don't give up.  The Pi will come out really beautiful.  The kingdom was not built in one night. 

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a new cryptocurrency and developer platform that allows mobile users to mine Pi coins without draining device battery. The Pi blockchain secures economic transactions through a mobile meritocracy system and a complete Web3 experience where community developers can build decentralized applications (dApps) for millions of users.

That's a little information that we can share with all the pi network communities.  
Hopefully this is useful, keep the spirit, don't give up.
If the information from hokanews is useful, don't forget to share it with other pioneers.

From pioneers for pioneers

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Thanks to all the pioneers, warm greetings from the hokanews team.  Information from the pi network community for all pioneers

